The New England Orienteering Club
Windblown Ski-O
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Saturday, March 12, 2011
Sat March 12 (rescheduled from 3/5/11)
Windblown Cross-Country Center
New Ipswich, NH
10:00 AM - Noon
Staggered Starts:
10:00 AM - Noon
see Comments
Price: $5 plus a Windblown Trail Pass

Windblown is currently closed but expects to reopen on Saturday in time for our event. However, before heading to Windblown, check their website [] or call them at 603-878-2869. If they are open Saturday, the meet is on. If they’re closed Saturday but open Sunday, the meet will be then. If they’re closed both days, the meet may be held later on a short-notice basis.

Depending on how much terrain is available, there will be White, Orange, and Red courses, plus a Score-O and an Elite Sprint. Courses are open to skis and snowshoes. The price is a Windblown trail pass plus $5 per person per course. Registration and starts are from 10-12 except the last start on the Elite Sprint is 1PM. Courses close at 2:30.

Directions and Info:

Meet Director:
Aims Coney, 978-562-2805