DCR Blue Hills Reservation, Milton, MA
November 21, 2021
Meet Directors: Jeff Saeger (Traverse), Pia Webb (Recreational courses)

Apologies to runners on Brown and Green courses: You will see some "irregularities" in your splits due to one control (#126) that, regrettably, was set to Daylight Saving Time. Your total time-on-course, reported in the results, is correct.

Many thanks to everyone who helped mount this large, annual event: Judy Karpinski, Joanne Sankus, Clinton Morse, Wendy Johnecheck, Channon Ames, Bill Binette, Joanne (from MeetUp), Ian Finlayson, Patrick McNeal, Mori Finlayson, Mike Cooper, Jon & Peter Campbell, and Mark O'Connell (remotely, from California). Much-appreciated control pickup was handled by Aims Coney, Ian Finlayson, Jon Campbell, and Jitka Hiscox-plus-one (sorry, your name wasn't recorded).
If your volunteer efforts were overlooked in this list, please contact the Webmaster.

The raw splits file for the Traverse is available under Results > Raw Splits Files.

Share your route, and see others' routes, on Livelox:

(Documentation on recording & uploading routes is here.)